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How do I treat a disease stress on the men or women, old or young

People suffering from stress all fields. Can cause excessive burden of work, tension between colleagues, superiors that rough, good interview, and the less chance that terlewatkan. So, what to do?

Do not melawannya. Olah stress to be useful for you with it. We can not change the stress in the workplace, that we can only change our reaction to stress that. When we choose to manage stress to be useful, it is called ulet.

Stamina is what happens as a result of the well or from a failure to heal. This means taking risks, learning to live with uncertainty and the problem with creative. We can do it with 3 ways:

1. Identify.
Identify what is stressful and atasi with the creative. By understanding what causes your stress, you do not have to languish and suffer more than you need.

Often get what we want, even Ironically create a new burden.

2. Companies that work in accordance with the value you.
Find companies that do a lot of training or development. Continue your education. Learning is one of the best strategies to manage your stress to be useful, and help you become the person who ulet.

3. Follow your Individual Development Plan.
One is the plan Trainer, designed to create a successful athlete is mentally fit. When you feel stress, stop your activity and take a breath in, rilekskan body and your mind, then visualisasikan ideals and you see yourself achieving it successfully.

Change any negative thoughts with positive statements about your strengths. Create small goals, actions you can do at this time, such as: I will explore three new companies as the target, creating a new networking, become volunteers, and so forth.

Manage stress be useful for you and become the person who ulet need exercise. Like a baby learning to walk, you will experience setbacks. People ulet not perfeksionis who think and talk about how things should run. Ulet people who are taking action, the issue, and have spare time for renewal.

So, start a process to be useful to stress you. Identify your stress, look for companies that respect the tenacity and follow the plan of activities, can follow the plan with the Trainer, or plan your own, you will go to a better direction.